What Is The Approximate Number Of Islands That Comprise Indonesia

What Is The Approximate Number Of Islands That Comprise Indonesia

What Is The Approximate Number Of Islands That Comprise IndonesiaSource: bing.com

Indonesia is a beautiful country located in Southeast Asia, between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. It is the world’s largest archipelago, which means that it consists of a group of islands. Indonesia is made up of approximately 17,508 islands, which makes it the country with the most islands in the world. These islands are spread across an area of 1.9 million square kilometers, making Indonesia the 14th largest country in the world in terms of land area.

The Five Largest Islands In Indonesia

Table Contents

SumatraSource: bing.com

Sumatra is the largest island in Indonesia, with an area of 473,481 square kilometers. It is the sixth-largest island in the world and is home to around 50 million people.

JavaSource: bing.com

Java is the second-largest island in Indonesia, with an area of 138,793 square kilometers. It is the most populous island in the world, with a population of over 141 million people.

BorneoSource: bing.com

Borneo is the third-largest island in Indonesia, with an area of 743,330 square kilometers. It is the third-largest island in the world and is shared by three countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunei.

SulawesiSource: bing.com

Sulawesi is the fourth-largest island in Indonesia, with an area of 180,681 square kilometers. It is located between Borneo and the Maluku Islands and is known for its unique shape, which resembles an orchid or a crab.

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New GuineaSource: bing.com

New Guinea is the fifth-largest island in Indonesia, with an area of 785,753 square kilometers. It is the second-largest island in the world, after Greenland, and is shared by two countries: Indonesia and Papua New Guinea.

The Smaller Islands In Indonesia

Komodo IslandSource: bing.com

Indonesia is not just about the big islands. It is also home to many small and beautiful islands, such as Komodo Island. This island is famous for its Komodo dragons, which are the largest lizards in the world.

BaliSource: bing.com

Bali is another small island in Indonesia that is famous for its beautiful beaches, temples, and rice terraces. It is a popular tourist destination and attracts millions of visitors every year.

LombokSource: bing.com

Lombok is a small island located next to Bali. It is famous for its beautiful beaches, waterfalls, and Mount Rinjani, which is the second-highest volcano in Indonesia.

The Importance Of Indonesia’s Islands

Indonesia BeachSource: bing.com

The islands of Indonesia are not just beautiful, they also play an important role in the country’s economy. Indonesia is one of the world’s largest producers of palm oil, rubber, and cocoa, all of which are grown on the islands. The country’s fishing industry is also based on the islands, as Indonesia is the world’s second-largest producer of seafood.

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Many of the islands are also important tourist destinations, which brings in a lot of money for the country. Tourism accounts for around 4% of Indonesia’s GDP and provides jobs for millions of people. The islands are home to many cultural and historical sites, such as Borobudur Temple and Prambanan Temple in Java, which attract tourists from all over the world.

The Challenges Of Managing Indonesia’s Islands

Indonesia PollutionSource: bing.com

While Indonesia’s islands are beautiful and important, they also face many challenges. Pollution is a major problem on many of the islands, particularly in the cities. The country has a large population, and many people do not have access to proper waste management facilities.

Deforestation is another major problem on the islands. The country’s forests are being cut down to make way for palm oil and rubber plantations, which is causing widespread damage to the environment. This has also led to an increase in carbon emissions, which is contributing to climate change.


Indonesia is a country of islands, with over 17,000 islands making up its territory. These islands are not just beautiful, but they also play an important role in the country’s economy and culture. However, managing these islands is not without its challenges, as pollution and deforestation are major problems. Nonetheless, Indonesia’s islands remain a source of pride for the country and a popular destination for tourists.

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